Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Post 4: 030506

I was just speculating on what I would include in this blog. Being a newbie to this world in both its creation and its investigation I have no real idea of the scope of these. Which is fine and dandy really as I have no real idea of the scope of life, so I guess its fitting.

That led me to ask, what does it take to attract an audience? As surely these are made with the hope of sharing views, opinions, likes, dislikes, notions, epiphanies, speculations, joys, sorrows or anything else that runs the gambit of the human experience.

Does it take controversy? What can I be controversial about? I have some pretty strong opinions, some pretty strong dislikes, some pretty wild ideas. But ideas are just ideas, harmless things until they a solidified by someone else sharing and agreeing with them.

I could deal in popular culture; after all popular culture is popular. Movies and stars and icons and novelties. But what I like is usually found on the fringes of what is popular and its enjoyment seems to be shared by so few. That cuts my potential viewers down. And when I do deal in popular culture then it will no doubt be to slag off the latest moron who has found themselves on the cover of a magazine.

I have many great loves in life. A list of loves that grows almost daily. Not so many of the hates, just the great dislikes. There are many things I would like to change. Many things I would like to do and see and experience. These with any hope will find their way here. I have passion and hopefully that will translate into other people’s interest. After all that’s why I’m doing this, isn’t it?

I am currently sitting in the dark little office behind the staffroom of the school in which I work. It’s mid afternoon and my first class starts in under half an hour. When I finish it will be dark as I walk back to my apartment on the thirteenth floor of a twenty one story apartment block that is part of an eight block collection. It’s cozy.

I live with a Korean lass by the name of Suki. We met in November at the local bar. She picked me up. The great ones always seem to start out like that. We share a few pivotal interests such as cinema and late night sessions of Go-Stop, a local card game though communication could be easier if we were fluent in each others language. For now we get by but it improves every day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.