Thursday, June 15, 2006

Post 45: 150606 Pre Opening Night

Here it is. The day has come that so many people have worked towards. At 8:10 tonight the theatre will go live and the audience start filing in. Backstage the cast will be glowing from the warm-up I put them through and getting into costume. I’ll be running around like a mad chook making sure everything is where it should be.

The lights that failed us on Saturday have been restored so tonight will be our first full run as we intended it. We are yet to sort the audio for the composer but an amp and mic have been arranged and will be installed in the theatre somewhere around 7pm. Cutting it fine and giving us little time to play.

Last minute details are being nutted out and I’m sure the actors are feeling that warm little butterfly dance the cha-cha in their bellies. By tonight it will have turned into a stampede of buffalo, especially as the lights come down and the music fades up. In a matter of hours we’ll be away, flying through a season that I hope we pause enough in to enjoy.

Break a leg!!

1 comment:

Emily D said...

How poetic you are. I usually describe these 'butterflies' as me teetering on the verge of an apoplexy, but I suppose winged insects taking residence in my abdominal cavity seem much less threatening... just as gross though..